In the midst of all this national turmoil, I would like to grab a moment to congratulate the folks who stayed home or voted for a third-party candidate on November 8, 2016 because there wasn't a dime's bit of difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump or because there was no candidate on the ballot who mapped seamlessly to their personal politics. We got a fascist President making the USA into a beacon for racists around the globe and a Supreme Court assisting in the rapid deconstruction of voting rights and a Constitution grounded on American values. Many of us will be spending the next twenty years trying to get back to the not-so-great place we were as a country on that day--that is,if we're not jailed or completely disenfranchised as non-Trumpists. You, on the other hand, can bask whenever things get tough in that noble, pure, space--brightly lit and warmed by the light of your infinite wisdom--that you carved out for yourself. And yourself only.