Kim Field

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The real shithole

The real shithole is the empty, frozen wasteland inside Trump's rotten carcass where an American heart should be beating. And his tiny, pursed mouth permanently stained by his constant, racist vomiting.

I want to see the Americans stand up loudly and clearly, with no equivocation. I want to see Republicans rise up and call bullshit on this racist President. No hemming and hawing. No comments about a "new normal" or "a unique approach to the Presidency" or requests for an apology. No dodging the questions. No more support of blatantly racist immigration legislation.

When Trump spewed his nakedly racist comments about Haiti, Africa, and Norway across the conference table during his meeting with Congressional leaders of both parties, who, if anyone, spoke up to condemn him to his face?

No Democrats knuckling under and compromising with a racist President and a racist majority party on immigration reforms.

If you support this President, who spends his minimal working hours defecating on each and every one of the aspects that are supposed to define the United States--a respect for the law, a rejection of totalitarianism, a commitment to a free press, a desire to be a force for good in this country and in the world, the championing of opportunity for all, the understanding that we are a nation of immigrants, a commitment to help the less fortunate--you need to look deep in your heart and refresh yourself on what has made this country great. You've lost your way--and the right to call yourself an American. You're a Trumpist, which is something else entirely.