Kim Field

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We Are the Terrorists

This is an emotional day, and we don’t yet know the identity of the terrorist or terrorists, but it is possible to catalogue the indisputable facts behind the situation.

Live explosive packages were sent to former President Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, former Attorney General Eric Holder, Representative Debby Wasserman Schultz, Representative Maxine Waters.

There are also unconfirmed reports of other suspicious packages being mailed to other individuals and groups.

The early word from law enforcement is that there are similarities between these packages. We don’t yet know for sure, but given that these packages were mailed inside the United States, this is likely domestic terrorism.

What we experienced today is REAL terrorism, not to the fake terrorism constantly spun up by our government for political benefit.

This is concerted terrorism that is politically motivated.\

The link between all of the people and organizations targeted by this terrorist or terrorists is the fact that all of them have been the targets of vicious attacks from Trump and the Republican Party that go beyond political attacks and into the realm of threats. This is a fact. Trump and the Republican Party have made threatened these people and organizations with imprisonment, called them “the enemy of the people,” claimed that they were not actual Americans, accused them of coddling or colluding with ISIS and other terrorist groups, threatened to remove their Secret Service protection, and relentlessly branded them as the biggest threats to America.

Trump has instigated violence against his opponents at his rallies, referring over and over again to the “good old days” when political opponents were “taken care of.”

Trump has praised the vicious, and murderous treatment of political opponents by the tyrannical leaders of other countries, including Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Un, Rodrigo Duterte, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, and Vladimir Putin.

There is no morality, much less moral leadership, in the Republican Party. They have, and will continue to be, purposely silent about Trump’s fascist message as long as they can win primaries.

Today’s GOP is the party of white supremacy, authoritarianism, domestic terrorism, and treason.

Trump and the GOP have yet to pay a real price for abandoning core American principles, and they won’t change their ways if this does not happen. It’s not at all clear that they will change even if they DO pay a price.

Trump and the Republicans are just the most public faces and the loudest cheerleaders for all that is dark, monstrous, and un-American in this country.

We are the terrorists. The millions who support Trump and vote for Republicans are endorsing domestic terrorism, institutionalized racism, and fascism.

Trumpism has already claimed a life in Charlottesville.

Trumpism will lead to more violence and more deaths.

That is not a political or a partisan statement. It’s not a declaration of war against people I don’t agree with. It’s the plain, obvious truth.